Mastering Greetings and Goodbyes in Spanish
One of the most fundamental aspects of learning a language is knowing how to greet people and say goodbye. Spanish offers many different ways to say hello and goodbye depending on the context, the level of formality, and the time of day. In this ultra-comprehensive guide, you’ll learn every possible greeting and farewell so you can confidently interact in Spanish in any situation!
Table of Content
- Saying Hello: Different Ways to Greet People in Spanish
- Basic Greetings (Neutral & Common in All Situations)
- Informal & Friendly Greetings 👫
- Formal Greetings (Polite & Professional) 🏛️
- Saying Goodbye: Different Ways to Say Farewell
- Basic Goodbyes (Common & Neutral) 👋
- Informal Goodbyes (Friendly & Casual)
- Formal Goodbyes (Polite & Professional) 🎩
- Slang & Fun Goodbyes 🤙
- Final Takeaways 🎉
Saying Hello: Different Ways to Greet People in Spanish
We’ll start by saying Hi. This topic will cover all the possible greetings that you can encounter during your day-to-day in a Spanish speaking country.

Basic Greetings (Neutral & Common in All Situations)
These are the basic greetings in Spanish. You will use these very commonly in almost all situations. Whether it’s entering a small shop or meeting friends, these expressions always come in handy.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | When to use? |
Hello | Hola | OH-lah | Any time, informal or formal |
Hi | ¡Hey! / ¡Ey! | ey | Very informal, friendly |
Good morning | Buenos días | BWEH-nos DEE-ahs | Until noon |
Good afternoon | Buenas tardes | BWEH-nas TAR-des | From noon to sunset |
Good evening/night | Buenas noches | BWEH-nas NOH-ches | After sunset |
✅ Examples:
- ¡Hola, Juan! ¿Cómo estás? (Hello, Juan! How are you?)
- Buenos días, señora López. (Good morning, Mrs. López.)
- Buenas tardes, chicos. (Good afternoon, guys.)
Informal & Friendly Greetings 👫
Do you want to up your informal game? These expressions will come to the rescue when talking to friends and famly.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | When to use? |
Hey! | ¡Hola, qué tal! | OH-lah keh TAL | Casual and friendly |
What’s up? | ¿Qué pasa? | keh PAH-sah | Very informal, friendly |
What’s new? | ¿Qué hay de nuevo? | keh ay deh NWAY-bo | Casual, catching up |
How’s it going? | ¿Cómo te va? | KOH-moh teh VAH | Friendly, informal |
How are you? | ¿Cómo estás? | KOH-moh es-TAS | Common and informal |
✅ Examples:
- ¡Hola, qué tal! Hace tiempo que no te veo. (Hey, what’s up! I haven’t seen you in a while.)
- ¿Qué pasa, hermano? (What’s up, brother?)
- ¿Cómo te va en el trabajo? (How’s work going for you?)
💡 Tip: Use “¿Qué tal?” instead of “¿Cómo estás?” for a quicker, more casual greeting.
Formal Greetings (Polite & Professional) 🏛️
Remember these formal greetings whenever you are meeting someone new in a professional setting.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | When to use? |
How are you? (formal) | ¿Cómo está usted? | KOH-moh es-TAH oos-TED | Formal settings |
Pleased to meet you | Mucho gusto | MOO-choh GOOS-toh | First-time meetings |
It’s a pleasure | Es un placer | es oon plah-SER | Very formal and polite |
Delighted (to meet you) | Encantado/a | en-kahn-TAH-doh (a) | Formal or polite |
Good to see you | Qué gusto verte | keh GOOS-toh VER-teh | Friendly but polite |
✅ Examples:
- Buenos días, ¿cómo está usted, señor García? (Good morning, how are you, Mr. García?)
- Mucho gusto, soy Elena. (Nice to meet you, I’m Elena.)
- Es un placer conocerlo. (It’s a pleasure to meet you.)
💡 Tip: Use “usted” for formal situations and “tú” for informal ones.
Saying Goodbye: Different Ways to Say Farewell
After saying hello it’s time to move on to goodbyes. Master these expressions, and you’ll be saying your farewells like a local in no time.

Basic Goodbyes (Common & Neutral) 👋
Once again, we start with the basics. These expressions will be used every day by you if you move to a Spanish speaking country.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | When to use? |
Goodbye | Adiós | ah-DYOS | Formal & neutral |
Bye | Chao / Chau | CHOW | Informal, friendly |
See you later | Hasta luego | AS-tah LWEH-go | Neutral, polite |
See you soon | Hasta pronto | AS-tah PRON-toh | When expecting to see the person soon |
See you tomorrow | Hasta mañana | AS-tah mah-NYAH-nah | When seeing them the next day |
✅ Examples:
- Adiós, nos vemos la próxima semana. (Goodbye, see you next week.)
- Hasta luego, Juan. (See you later, Juan.)
- Chao, cuídate. (Bye, take care.)
Informal Goodbyes (Friendly & Casual)
These informal goodbyes will help you with friend and family situations.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | When to use? |
See you! | Nos vemos | nos VEH-mos | Casual & friendly |
See you later (literally “until then”) | Hasta entonces | AS-tah en-TON-ses | Friendly, planned meeting |
See you around | Nos vemos por ahí | nos VEH-mos por ah-EE | Informal, casual |
Catch you later! | ¡Nos vemos luego! | nos VEH-mos LWEH-go | Friendly |
✅ Examples:
- Nos vemos, hermano. (See you, brother.)
- Hasta entonces, que tengas un buen día. (See you then, have a good day.)
Formal Goodbyes (Polite & Professional) 🎩
Whenever you encounter formal situations or professional settings, these will be your go-to expressions.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | When to use? |
Have a nice day | Que tenga un buen día | keh TEN-gah oon BWEHN DEE-ah | Polite, formal |
It was a pleasure | Fue un placer | fweh oon plah-SER | Business/formal setting |
Until next time | Hasta la próxima | AS-tah lah PROK-see-mah | Formal & friendly |
Take care | Cuídese | KWEE-deh-seh | Formal & polite |
✅ Examples:
- Que tenga un buen día, señor Martínez. (Have a nice day, Mr. Martínez.)
- Fue un placer hacer negocios con usted. (It was a pleasure doing business with you.)
Slang & Fun Goodbyes 🤙
Finally, let’s finish the lesson with some fun expressions. These slang goodbyes will be your friend if you want to sound local.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | When to use? |
Later! | ¡Nos vidrios! | nos VEE-dree-ohs | Mexico (slang for “nos vemos”) |
I’m out! | ¡Me largo! | meh LAR-goh | Informal, playful |
Take care, dude! | ¡Cuídate, güey! | KWEE-dah-teh, WEY | Mexico, friendly slang |
See ya! | ¡Ahí te ves! | ah-EE teh BES | Informal, Latin America |
✅ Examples:
- ¡Nos vidrios, amigo! (See you later, buddy!)
- ¡Ahí te ves, bro! (See ya, bro!)
Final Takeaways 🎉
✅ Use “Hola” for most greetings, but adjust based on formality.
✅ Time-based greetings (Buenos días, Buenas tardes, Buenas noches) are very common.
✅ Use “Adiós” for formal goodbyes and “Chao” for casual ones.
✅ Know slang for fun, but use formal phrases in professional settings.
✅ Practice different greetings and farewells to sound more natural in Spanish